Tuesday 18 October 2016


4 Relevant areas of contextual research/information that will 
inform my design.

- Publication / Periodical of satirical/Against the establishment news reports (Possibly all completely ridiculous and irrelevant news headlines) Look at Sunday Sport, The Onion, Daily Mash and News Thump.

'Design Anarchy' - Kalle Lasn

This radical new aesthetic vision from the founder of Ad busters Magazine looks unflinchingly at contemporary art and graphic design and implicates their seemingly innocuous practitioners in crimes against our culture and our planet. Design Anarchy pioneers a hybrid graphic/text language that is by turns intimate, anarchic, abstract and accusatory, to explore the responsibility of the visual designer and artist in the pollution and redemption of our mental and physical commons. It makes an urgent call for artists, graphic and industrial designers and architects to reengage with the world, and it includes work from some who have already heard that call: Jeff Wall, Andres Serrano, Robert Mapplethorpe, Ryan McGinley, Gregory Crewdson and Barbara Kruger. Kalle Lasn is the founder of Adbusmedia foundation, such as Buy Nothing Day and TV Turnoff Week, and has pioneered the spoof ads, billboard liberations and TV mind-melters featured here. 

'Oh So Pretty. Punk In Print.' - Toby Mott

A Visual guide to the punk movements from 1976 to 1980, looking at periodicals, posters and artwork from the time of anarchy and anti-establishment fuelled sub-culture which stormed the nation. It presents 500 artefacts - 'zines,' gig posters, flyers, and badges - from well-known and obscure musical acts, designers, venues, and related political groups. While punk was first and foremost a music phenomenon, it reflected a DIY spirit and instantly recognisable aesthetic that was as raw and strident and irrepressible as the music. As disposable as the items in this book once were, together they tell a story about music, history, class, and art, and document a seismic shift in society and visual culture.

Friday 14 October 2016



A3 Design sheet which defines and outlines the research question:

1 - Research Question
-is it viable?
-What is there to study?
- How can we know about it?
-How do we study it?

2 - Defining the design problem (E.g political/anarchy branding)

3 - Clients needs and requirements
-Specific requirements to guide the project

4 - Audience??

Thursday 13 October 2016

STUDY TASK TWO Parody and Pastiche - Jameson and Hutcheon - Study Task 2

Pastichean artistic work in a style that imitates that of another work, artist, or period.
Parodyan imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect.

Frederick Jameson -

- Pastiche
- Parody becomes pastiche
- modernism
- postmodernism as a capitalist construct

- The disappearance of an individual subject, along with its formal consequence, the increasing unavailability of the personal style, engender the wall-high universal practice today of what may be called pastiche.

- Thomas Mann

- Faced with these ultimate objects - our social, historical and existential present and the past as 'reverent' - the incompatibility of a post-modernist "Nostalgia" art language with genuine historicity becomes dramatically apparent.

- The contradiction propels this mode, however, into complex and interesting new formal inventiveness; it being understood that the nostalgia films were never a matter of some old fashioned 'representation' of historical content, but instead approached the 'past' through stylistic connotation, conveying 'pastness' by glossy qualities of the image and the '1930-ness' or '1950-ness' by attributes of fashion (in the following the prescription of the Barthes of mythologies, who saw connotation as the purveying of imagery and stereotypical idealities, "sinite" for example as some Disney-EPCOT "concept" of China)

- Post-modernism is a parody of modernism.

- Parody of modernism as it does not regard and mocks. Pastiche would celebrate through taking something pre-existing and recreating it in your own style.

- Jameson holds little regard for imitation in form of nostalgia.

- Jameson relates post-modernism to ego and believes that original work can be produced in post-modernism.

"Pastiche is, like parody, the imitation of a peculiar or unique, idiosyncratic style, the wearing of linguistic masks, speech in a dead language' (Jameson. F. 'Parody' p.16)

- Jameson's view on post-modernism as ego.

Linda Hutcheon - 

- Parody
- Political
- Post-modernism
- Modernism is a capitalist construct

- Believes that without the past work, old styles and also the nostalgia of this then post-modernism would be without meaning.

- Relates post-modernism meanings to politics.
- Postmodernism celebrating the past by using parody to subvert and legitimise the material it mimics not to mock.
- Parody unsettles all Doxa (Greek word meaning common belief or popular opinion), all accepted beliefs and ideologies.

- Hutcheon argues that parody is not depthless "But rather that it can and does lead to a vision of disconnective ness".

"Parody is doubly coded in political terms: it both legitimises and subverts that which it parodies" (Hutcheon. L. 'Politics'. P.101)

- States all postmodernist artwork should share the same quality of being "resolutely historical and inescapably political, precisely because they are parodic".

- Argues that the existence of post-modernism does not share the same principles as modernism and cannot be looked at from the perspective of it ever achieving "genuine historicity" as Jameson desires.

- Postmodernism should be looked at as a form of protest on that it challenges the possibilities of there ever being an 'ultimate object as modernism tries to achieve.

- Criticism of Jameson's description of pastiche. Stating that post-modernist architecture is not random or "without principle" to think this would ignore and disregard architects such as


- Jameson's view on post-modernism is that is a parody of modernism, though there appears to be a hostility towards parody, as it seems he believes modernism is a strong deep movement and that the imitations and mimicry through post-modernism mock this work in ways. Jameson sees "the incompatibility of a post-modernist "Nostalgia" art language with genuine historicity becomes dramatically apparent" meaning that whatever homage or celebration of modernism trying to be achieved in post-modernism is out of touch and only ends up mocking modernist design rather than to celebrate it. Hutcheon's opinion is the opposite to Jameson's, she believes that all post-modernist artwork shares the same quality of being "resolutely historical and inescapably political precisely because they are parodic"(1986, p180), Hutcheon sees the historical celebration in the fact that post-modernism is parody rather than Jameson's opinion that it cannot celebrate modernism through parody, only mock it and decrease its value, though Jameson does state that he believes the mocking style of parody can become pastiche through original works of postmodernism, again Hutcheon criticises Jameson's description of pastiche, where he describes, post-modernist architecture as "random" and "without principle" to say this would be to ignore the work of postmodern architects such as Joel Bergman. Barbara Bielecka. Ricardo Bofill. Mario Botta. Hutcheon believes that postmodernism should not be compared with modernism in some aspects, for one because they do not share the same principles and postmodernism can not be looked at from the perspective of it ever achieving "genuine historicity" as Jameson desires, though this can stem from Jameson's unwavering view that modernism is king and should not be parodied as he believes postmodernism parodies it.

Looking at examples of pastiche within the contemporary graphic design world, brought up design studio 'Stranger and Stranger', a studio which focusses on packaging and branding. They are known for their bottle packaging, branding wine, spirits and beers. Their look is distinctively old-fashioned and high end, this adds a bespoke quality within their style. The designs which they use employ multiple design methods such as illustration, embossing, foiling and typesetting. 

Another example of pastiche and parody is James Reid's 'God save the Queen' artwork for the punk band the Sex Pistols, his work uses imagery of the union jack and the Queens portrait, collaged with type to cover her face, this uses popular imagery parodied into new art, though it changes the meaning of the original imagery to create something with a completely new perception, the images were used to show the queen and the flag to show the country but within Reids work he changes them and they are now iconically known as anarchistic images which represent punk music and culture.

Monday 10 October 2016

STUDY TASK ONE - Triangulating Texts - Visual Pleasures

Laura Mulvey's essay on Visual pleasure and cinema narrative is a paper which focuses on the males gaze and perception of eroticism in cinema. Mulvey, British Feminist, film theorist is currently professor of film and media studies at Birkbeck university.

Richard Dyer's essay looking at Mulvey's original 1975 paper on cinema narrative. Dyer is a British Academic and published author.

One of the main points Mulvey puts across is that women are traditionally portrayed in cinema as being relative to the spectacle rather than narrative, they are there for the purpose of the males gaze and heterosexual look. She refers to the presence of a heroine in cinema as alien, to show the uncommon aspect of female leads in classic cinema, it is a male dominated business and women are used more as sexual objects to be there for the male gaze. To support this point she refers to Molly Haskell's theory of 'Buddy Movies' she eludes to both roles of a spectacle and narrative can be filled without a need for a feminine character. Mulvey explains that women's roles in cinema rarely break the boundaries of being an object of attraction to the male in the film and/or the male watching.

Laura Mulvey discusses the generalisation and sexualisation of females roles in classic cinema, she believes women are displayed on two levels, firstly as erotic objects for the characters within the story and as an erotic object for the person watching the movie, within her writing she says that the concept of a lead women, who holds more narrative within a film, is alien within classic cinema. John Storeys 'cine-psychoanalysis' talks about Mulvey's essay and he picks up and adds his own opinion to her thoughts, in comparison to Richard Dyers essay discussing Mulvey's work, this is a lot less balanced, where Storeys writing agrees with Mulvey, it does not expand much on what is being said in the original paper, whereas Dyers builds and contradicts Mulvey's, it offers more opinion and argues that men are also objectified in cinema as their objectification has a context to it, it has purpose to the narrative rather than just being objective.