Tuesday 20 October 2015

OUGD401 - Study Task One - Critical Comparison.

Image one is an advertisement by Schumacher and Ettlinger of New York, it is advertising 'The Uncle Sam Range' By the Abendroth Bros. The advertisement was published in 1876, the imagery used is very patriotic with there being many references to the American flag, through the colour scheme of red, white and blue is very clear and the use other icons related to America such as a golden eagle and uncle sam being the centre focus of this ad campaign, Uncle Sam is America personified, freedom and the American dream. Even the typography used is an American western style type, similar to letter press style of the time in America.

The clock holds a key message in this image with one of the hands on its face pointing to 1876 and the other pointing at the date 1776, 100 years previous, which was the date that America became an independent state following the American revolution, this advert was trying to signify the centenary anniversary of Americas independence Schumacher and Ettlinger using the excitement of the time to make their advert popular. The advert is advertising a cooker from 'The Uncle Sam range', though this is not clear at first view as it is not the clear focus within the image, Schumacher and Ettlinger try to make patriotism and America as the centre focus to draw in the intended audience, it attempts to show America superiority through mockery of other countries, in the way that, the list that the earth which is personified is holding, lists a menu of different different foods from cultures but plays on it and mocks european and asian culture. The cooker is aimed at an upperclass market as of the advertised slavery which is still very apparent in America at this time, again trying to show American superiority.

Image 2 is an advertisement created by Adrian Allison and commissioned by the Empire marketing board from 1927 until 1933 it is an advert which shows African natives transporting goods by foot on a long journey (which represents the old style) and then by boat and road in the second (Which represents the current times of 1927). These posters were created to promote an understanding between the countries under the Empire, yet the images show a racial divide that was apparent at the times. The second image is meant to represent a better way of like in being the antithesis of the old hard ways in the first image, the second image represents the impact western culture has had on the land since colonisation, it shows a modern way of doing things and to try to promote western culture as something that progresses people forward. Its title 'Colonial Progress Brings Home Prosperity, works in a way to try get investors to use this trading company as it is changing the world for the better and is helping everyone in the Empire.

Both these images are very visually different in styles yet hold a similar message about the way of life the product or company gives you, both offer to improve life for you and people around you yet both use a different technique to the other to advertise there product or company. The 'Uncle sam range' shows wealth, happiness and domestic bliss that will only be achieved through the purchase of this product. Yet the 'Empire Market Board' advert suggests that by supporting the Empire will improve the lives of not only you but natives too, it promotes colonial progress and a stronger Empire.

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