Tuesday 21 March 2017

SB2 Development work - Practical

Development Two - Following on from the hand drawn development ideas, looking at how the ideas would work on a digital platform, keeping to simple design which was bold through typography. Taking on modernist layout techniques to produce informative posters. The bold large letters spell out the word 'Anarchy' the title and main topic of the project, the set can work together to produce poster sets, online propaganda (informing people of anarchy ideals through posters), digital gifs and animations. The purpose of just using typography is to eliminate preconceptions, the risk of choosing an image or symbol which could alienate an audience. In this concept the use of type as a 
semi-decorative tool to work both as bold strong visuals and also work as type when in the set. The bold forms of Helvetica produce interesting shapes when playing with angles and positioning. 

Playing about with different ways to put across the letters and the letter meaning. Considering research such as Michael Engelmann and how information can be put across simply yet interestingly. The main visual type, of each letter of anarchy, is set to the highest point size available on indesign, though if converted to images the size can be as large as can bit on an A3 format, more experimentation is needed with the size and orientation, looking at how the letters can be the main focus of the campaign visually.

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