Wednesday 18 October 2017

OUGD601 - Context Of practice - Practical Brief

Brief - Practical

Background information
  - Through the research undertaken within my essay I have been looking at a number of manifestos, many of which related to the Dada art movement and others which hold relevance to the subjects within my essay.
A manifesto is a public declaration of the intentions, motives, or views of an artist or artistic movement. The Dadaists published many manifestos of there beliefs and opinions aswell as outlines to how they approached creativism, there styles and belief systems were often seen as anti-art. Through looking at the Dada manifestos it became evident that a manifesto, even when under the guise of a movement or collective can be very individual peices, Dada is built on these individual manifestos, which showcase both the style and ideology of the movement. More modern manifestos such as the 'First things First' Manifesto produced by Ken Garland in 1964 is more a declaration of how to work for the good of the design industry and society at the time, this manifesto was signed by a number of other professionals and students who agreed to these terms of designing.

Taking heavy influences from these topics mentioned the practical brief will hope to investigate how a modern day manifesto can be formed today and how it can be implemented and broadcast to the public.

Concept - Show understanding of the importance of a Manifesto and how it can be applied in contemporary design.

Aims -
To produce a manifesto of ideas and aims. The main aim of the manifesto is to encourage creatives to use there skills to be creative, outspoken and critical, this can be in the form of personal art work, political work, publications, anything that expresses the excersising of creative freedom. The work which is being asked for should be personal work and can serve as visual manifestos of the creators.

Creating a Manifesto supporting evidence based on the research undertaken for the contextual element of the module. The manifesto will have opinions, aims and goals it will be used as a promotional piece to challenge creatives to look at there own practice, and encourage the target audience to excercise creative freedom that is individual to them.

The Manifesto will be part of a wider idea which aims to bring creatives (initially of Leeds Art University) together through a number of ways. Providing platforms to showcase creative freedom, the manifesto will be published online in a call to arms, accompanying promotional material will lead the audience to online accounts which will contain the manifesto and accompanying work.

Target Market - The target market is creatives - focussing the aim on creative students - though through careful consideration it appears that the best route to take is aiming it first at the students of LAU, this will guarentee that the correct people will see it and submit there work. Once enough work has been collected and put on social media and in the form of publications and exhibitions, the project can be expanded to a wider market, gaining popularity and continuing promotion is key.

Deliverables - A manifesto of aims and ideas. Supporting promotional work. Online platform to release to.

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