Saturday 20 January 2018

OUGD601 - Context Of practice - Evaluation

My initial research had me looking at creative freedom through the Dada art movement and aspects of postmodern graphic design. The project lead me to critical analsye and explore subjects and creatives I had not looked at before, this opened up my understanding on a number of topics and has given me confidence to explore new ideas in both a visual and contextual way.

Through researching into the topic of creative freedom my project has lead to looking at a number of movements and styles which have achieved this in a number of different ways. Having looked at subjects such as Punk design I was able to further my existing knowledge and gain a greater understanding or its historical and cultural relevance, looking at the designers and work of the time I have produced work which represents creative freedom. 

Through the practical project the work progressed from being a an idea to produce a manifesto to expanding into a movement like campaign which aims to bring together creatives to a place where they can exercise creative freedom. The project became a concept in the forms of it was more an aim to do something, this has been outlined in the rationale.
I have looked at a combination of texts and visual artefacts related to the project question, thoroughly examining cultural and historical relevance attached to these chosen subjects. Though through progressing through the brief I realised new ideas and found new sources which would help further aid my project and made the practical grow bigger than the original planned outcome. Through my findings the topic could have been expanded on further but through the essay I had to restrain myself from opening up new thoughts to keep in with the word count. 

My skills throughout the project has developed, as I have grown a deeper understanding of the movements and subjects which I looked at, taking in ideas and opinions aswell as the techniques and skills of the designers and artists which have been the focuss of the written element of the module. Through extensive research I have explored the notions of creative freedom both theoritically and practically, this has lead to a practical outcome which experiments with a range of styles and methods with relevance to the written element. 

The project is a body of work which compliments each other through the linking research, the exploration into how a manifesto inspired by Dada thinking can be executed in a contemporary way. There are elements of the brief which I feel are not succesful such as the way the practical peice could not have been experimented further under this project, though this opens the possibilities to continue the project, putting out the content properly and testing how the public respond to the project. 

I aim to continue this projects themes and intentions through extended practice, with this completing this concept. The skills and knowledge learnt in this brief will be very benofficial for future design work, overall I am very satisfied with the majority of the way the project has gone.

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