Tuesday 26 April 2016

Evaluation OUGD401

At the beginning of Context of practice I was excited at the prospect of being able to research politically charged Graphic Design, as I chose to answer the question of Graphic Designs role in social and political upheaval, a topic which I was enthusiastic about yet had not previously gone deep into. I felt that it was an opportunity to broaden my practice as well as my understanding of political art, looking at design which was more informed and directed at a specific audience.  The question meant I would be looking at design which has shaped or played a role in times of political or social change, this was a broad spectrum so I decided to explore theme of protest more than any other, looking at iconic designs used in protest or as an attack on a political change, works of revolution against conformity or the established order a topic which I found inspiring.

Through completing the study tasks given through the studio time for Context of practice I became more comfortable with the prospect of writing an essay, something which I was worried about having not written a full formed essay in a long time. The study tasks helped me to form a structured plan of which I would follow to complete my essay. Through the study tasks and the lectures for COP I learnt of a protest movement which occurred in France in 1968, where students and workers united to protest the conservative government at the time and also capitalism. Looking deeper into this I felt it would be a key point to look at not only for my essay but for my practical piece as the design which was produced at the time of this unrest is now iconic to the time and continues to be inspiring and relevant today. This research was key to my essay as it held a huge part in my argument yet the research I had gathered for this was majorly internet based, I need to broaden the range of research resources I use this was one drawback within my work.

Though I looked mainly at protest pieces I also researched pieces which were for a Political reason for example the Obama 08 presidential campaign, holds a huge place in my essay to see both sides of social and political upheaval, highlighting the moods which are set through the design work which occurs because of the upheaval. I looked at a number of texts which aided my work yet again the majority of my research took place through websites and PDF's, I have recognised this as one of the weaknesses in my work. I feel my essay analyses relevant and iconic design work which answers the question of Graphic designs role in political and social upheaval looking at the inspiring and influential nature of the work and how it shaped the modern world now. I feel that through the module I have broadened my understanding of graphics role in politics and society as well as grown in confidence towards producing essays, being able to critically analyse work and see its relevance and keeping the entire essay on the correct topic and informative.

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